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File Last Change
m_join.c 8367 (6 years ago) by michael: - "JOIN 0" is now no longer supported 8387 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
m_quit.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_kill.c 8437 (6 years ago) by michael: - Stylistic changes
m_tmode.c 8431 (6 years ago) by michael: - Stylistic changes
m_error.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_part.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_sjoin.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_die.c 8449 (6 years ago) by michael: - m_die(), m_restart(): don't give any hints about how to use this command if missing the server name parameter. Just send ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS.
m_bmask.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_squit.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years 7668 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties
m_server.c 8496 (6 years ago) by michael: - Killed userhost.c. Rewrote everything to use ipcache.c
m_message.c 8279 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
m_kick.c 8431 (6 years ago) by michael: - Stylistic changes
m_nick.c 8593 (5 years ago) by michael: - ipcache: rewrite to use patricia
m_mode.c 8484 (6 years ago) by michael: - Move svstag related code into its own files
0 directories and 17 files shown