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File Last Change
core/ 2073 (10 years ago) by michael: - Removed outdated comment
m_svinfo.c 1618 (11 years ago) by michael: - Made m_globops() and ms_globops() use sendto_realops_flags() - Added message-type parameter to sendto_realops_flags() which can be one of SEND_NOTICE, SEND_GLOBAL, SEND_LOCOPS - Forward-port -r1617
m_post.c 1618 (11 years ago) by michael: - Made m_globops() and ms_globops() use sendto_realops_flags() - Added message-type parameter to sendto_realops_flags() which can be one of SEND_NOTICE, SEND_GLOBAL, SEND_LOCOPS - Forward-port -r1617
m_webirc.c 1715 (11 years ago) by michael: - Improved WEBIRC authentication; added 'webirc' to auth::flags
m_svsnick.c 1734 (11 years ago) by michael: - Add support for "away-notify" client capability
m_tburst.c 1751 (11 years ago) by michael: - Forward-port -r1750 [IMPORTANT: nick and topic lengths are now configurable via ircd.conf. A max_nick_length, as well as a max_topic_length configuration option can now be found in the serverinfo{} block] - OpenSSL 0.9.8s and higher is now required in order to enable ssl support
m_encap.c 1793 (11 years ago) by michael: - Replaced all occurrences of ircsprintf with sprintf/snprintf and killed sprintf_irc.(c|h)
m_hash.c 1826 (11 years ago) by michael: - Minor cleanups to hash.c; removed now unused functions, style cleanups
m_close.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_accept.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_globops.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_etrace.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_away.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_cap.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_user.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_who.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_pong.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_ping.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_time.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_motd.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_pass.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_watch.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_kline.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_admin.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_operwall.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_services.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_userhost.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_module.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_testline.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_rehash.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_testmask.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_trace.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_dline.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_lusers.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_invite.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_knock.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_restart.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_gline.c 1834 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert to -r1831
m_users.c 1836 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_users, show_lusers: removed extranous arguments to sendto_one()
m_xline.c 1845 (10 years ago) by michael: - Fixed some compile warnings
m_map.c 1851 (10 years ago) by michael: - Cleanup m_map.c - Implemented serverhide::hide_services configuration option
m_links.c 1851 (10 years ago) by michael: - Cleanup m_map.c - Implemented serverhide::hide_services configuration option
m_ison.c 1857 (10 years ago) by michael: - Constification
m_names.c 1876 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_whowas.c,m_names.c,m_kick.c: remove pointless code. There's no real reason why we should skip preceding commas in nick-/channelnames
m_capab.c 1877 (10 years ago) by michael: - Made find_capability() return an unsigned int
m_resv.c 1886 (10 years ago) by michael: - Replaced a strpbrk() with has_wildcards()
m_list.c 1896 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_list.c:do_list(): add sanity test for parv[1] being NULL
m_oper.c 1925 (10 years ago) by michael: - "STATS o" now shows how many times an oper{} block has been used. Just like "STATS x|q"
m_challenge.c 1925 (10 years ago) by michael: - "STATS o" now shows how many times an oper{} block has been used. Just like "STATS x|q"
m_info.c 1946 (10 years ago) by michael: - Removed channel::quiet_on_ban configuration option. This feature is now enabled by default
m_stats.c 1968 (10 years ago) by michael: - Cosmetical cleanups
m_eob.c 1986 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_eob(): Re-added EOB notice
m_set.c 1997 (10 years ago) by michael: - Mostly style cleanups & whitespace changes
m_version.c 1997 (10 years ago) by michael: - Mostly style cleanups & whitespace changes
m_connect.c 2012 (10 years ago) by michael: - Removed 'remote', and 'global_kill' oper flags, and added 'connect', 'squit', and 'kill' flags for better fine-tuning instead. Whether or not a specific action is allowed on a remote server can be controlled by appeding the ':remote' flag. For example: 'kill' allows only local clients to be killed, whereas 'kill:remote' allows to issue a KILL for remote clients
m_whois.c 2017 (10 years ago) by michael: - Whitespace commit
m_topic.c 2021 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_topic.c: fixed compile warning
m_locops.c 2038 (10 years ago) by michael: - Added 'locops' and 'wallops' to irc-operator flags --- Diese und die folgenden Zeilen werden ignoriert -- M include/client.h M src/conf_parser.c M src/conf_parser.h M src/conf_lexer.c M src/conf_parser.y M src/conf_lexer.l M doc/reference.conf M modules/m_locops.c M modules/m_wallops.c
m_wallops.c 2038 (10 years ago) by michael: - Added 'locops' and 'wallops' to irc-operator flags --- Diese und die folgenden Zeilen werden ignoriert -- M include/client.h M src/conf_parser.c M src/conf_parser.h M src/conf_lexer.c M src/conf_parser.y M src/conf_lexer.l M doc/reference.conf M modules/m_locops.c M modules/m_wallops.c
m_help.c 2045 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_help.c: minor changes to dohelp() (use pointer arithmetic instead of indexing)
m_svsmode.c 2056 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_svsmode(): restore ability to change a user's host via SVSMODE +x 2064 (10 years ago) by michael: - automake 1.13.2
m_whowas.c 2076 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_whowas.c:whowas_do(): minor cleanups and optimizations
1 directory and 63 files shown