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File Last Change
core/ 3636 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_join.c:ms_join(): fixed compile warning
m_map.c 3640 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_map.c:dump_map(): use 'unsigned' whenever possible
m_trace.c 3609 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_trace.c: removed set_time() calls
m_set.c 3607 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_set.c: whitespace changes
m_accept.c 3604 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_accept.c: style corrections
m_svsnick.c 3597 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_svsnick.c: whitespace changes
m_services.c 3594 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_services.c:m_botserv(): add missing return
m_etrace.c 3581 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_etrace.c: further cleanups
m_info.c 3574 (9 years ago) by michael: - Replaced remaining sendto_one() with sendto_one_numeric(). SND_EXPLICIT idea derived from ircu.
m_stats.c 3574 (9 years ago) by michael: - Replaced remaining sendto_one() with sendto_one_numeric(). SND_EXPLICIT idea derived from ircu.
m_links.c 3574 (9 years ago) by michael: - Replaced remaining sendto_one() with sendto_one_numeric(). SND_EXPLICIT idea derived from ircu.
m_cap.c 3566 (9 years ago) by michael: - Style corrections
m_svsmode.c 3562 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_svsmode:ms_svsmode(): removed legacy code
m_resv.c 3560 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_resv.c: reformatting
m_whois.c 3514 (9 years ago) by michael: - Added usermode +p which hides channel list in WHOIS
m_list.c 3505 (9 years ago) by michael: - Renamed MyMalloc() to MyCalloc()
m_gline.c 3505 (9 years ago) by michael: - Renamed MyMalloc() to MyCalloc()
m_restart.c 3485 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_die(), m_restart(): initialize buf[] to something saner
m_knock.c 3482 (9 years ago) by michael: - Style corrections
m_xline.c 3468 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_xline.c:write_xline(): removed collapse() call
m_invite.c 3432 (9 years ago) by michael: - Replace few hash_find_id() with find_person()
m_watch.c 3425 (9 years ago) by michael: - Fixed possible WATCH core. Fix provided by Adam
m_close.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_capab.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_globops.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_svsjoin.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_locops.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_svinfo.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_away.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_oper.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_user.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_unresv.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_help.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_ison.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_who.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_pong.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_ping.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_topic.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_time.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_hash.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_motd.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_post.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_pass.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_kline.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_connect.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_admin.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_operwall.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_userhost.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_version.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_module.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_certfp.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_webirc.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_undline.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_rehash.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_challenge.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_whowas.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_encap.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_dline.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_lusers.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_tburst.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_unxline.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_svskill.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_names.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_svspart.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_wallops.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_eob.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
m_unkline.c 3377 (9 years ago) by michael: - Create 8.2.x branch
1 directory and 68 files shown