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File Last Change
technical/ 8417 (6 years ago) by michael: - Remove fd-management.txt hostmask.txt index.txt network.txt send.txt from doc/technical/
CIDR.txt 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties
Doxyfile 7670 (7 years ago) by michael: - Update Doxyfile to 1.8.8 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files
index.txt 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties
ircd.8 8751 (5 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
kline.txt 8751 (5 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
modeg.txt 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties
modes.txt 8478 (6 years ago) by michael: - Documentation changes
reference.conf 8865 (5 years ago) by michael: - The 'serverinfo::vhost' and 'serverinfo:vhost6' configuration directives have been deprecated. If you need to bind() a specific address you can specify one in the connect {} block - The 'connect::vhost' configuration directive has been renamed to 'connect::bind'
resv.txt 8751 (5 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
serverhide.txt 8751 (5 years ago) by michael: - Update copyright years
1 directory and 12 files shown