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File (rev) Last Change
tools/ 9183 (4 years ago) by michael: - Move ax_with_tls.m4 to ax_arg_with_tls.m4
src/ 9934 (2 years ago) by michael: - tls_openssl: cleanly build with openssl 3.0; use OSSL_STORE api to retrieve dh parameters; replace deprecated functions
modules/ 9930 (2 years ago) by michael: - m_oper.c:oper_up(): partially remove some of the UMODE_INVISIBLE logic that's unreachable code as user modes aren't removed in this function ever
m4/ 9952 (2 years ago) by michael: - ax_require_defined.m4: update to latest version
libltdl/ 9183 (4 years ago) by michael: - Move ax_with_tls.m4 to ax_arg_with_tls.m4
include/ 9934 (2 years ago) by michael: - tls_openssl: cleanly build with openssl 3.0; use OSSL_STORE api to retrieve dh parameters; replace deprecated functions
help/ 9924 (3 years ago) by michael: - help/who: update to reflect the +B user mode
doc/ 9897 (3 years ago) by michael: - The `general::dots_in_ident` configuration directive has been renamed to `general::specials_in_ident` and now covers the '-' and '_' characters in addition to '.'
ylwrap 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files
missing 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files 9752 (3 years ago) by michael: - Rebuild autogenerated files
install-sh 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files
depcomp 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files 9937 (2 years ago) by michael: - style improvements
configure 9899 (3 years ago) by michael: - Bump version to 8.2.38
config.sub 9899 (3 years ago) by michael: - Bump version to 8.2.38 9330 (4 years ago) by michael: - Remove strtok_r() compatibility code
config.guess 9899 (3 years ago) by michael: - Bump version to 8.2.38
compile 8746 (5 years ago) by michael: - Recreate autogenerated files
aclocal.m4 9183 (4 years ago) by michael: - Move ax_with_tls.m4 to ax_arg_with_tls.m4
README 9679 (3 years ago) by michael: - Update README
NEWS 9933 (2 years ago) by michael: - Allow 'hideidle' and 'hidechans' to be set in 'general::oper_only_umodes' 9183 (4 years ago) by michael: - Move ax_with_tls.m4 to ax_arg_with_tls.m4 7676 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed more svn properties as pointed out by jackal
INSTALL 9858 (3 years ago) by michael: - Bump copyright years
COPYING 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties
AUTHORS 8685 (5 years ago) by michael: - AUTHORS, version.c: update my email address
.travis.yml 9757 (3 years ago) by michael: - .travis.yml: add focal; remove trusty/xenial; additional build on AWS Graviton2
8 directories and 20 files shown