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File Last Change
core/ 4248 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_server.c: fixed build with LibreSSL which hasn't compression support - ax_check_openssl.m4: 0.9.8m is now the minimum requirement
m_module.c 2960 (10 years ago) by michael: - Added modules_get_list() and made modules_list visible to only modules.c - Fixed naming convetion of other linked lists in modules.c
m_user.c 3210 (10 years ago) by michael: - Backported -r3209 [m_user.c:mr_user(): optimize in case parv[4] is empty]
m_topic.c 3224 (10 years ago) by michael: - Backported -r3220 [m_topic.c:m_topic(): use chptr->chname when reporting ERR_NOTONCHANNEL]
m_capab.c 3309 (10 years ago) by michael: - Backported -r3296 [m_capab.c:mr_capab(): capability tokens must be all in parv[1] now]
m_close.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_connect.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_svsmode.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_accept.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_userhost.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_version.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_certfp.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_webirc.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_away.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_lusers.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_tburst.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_ison.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_knock.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_ping.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_pong.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_hash.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_time.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_pass.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_post.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_wallops.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_whois.c 2821 (10 years ago) by michael: - Clean up all files in modules/ (fixed indentation, removed whitespaces/tabs) - Fixed copyright years - Made module handlers int type for later use
m_invite.c 2889 (10 years ago) by michael: - Fixed improper use of the ID_or_name macro in several places
m_svskill.c 2889 (10 years ago) by michael: - Fixed improper use of the ID_or_name macro in several places
m_links.c 2889 (10 years ago) by michael: - Fixed improper use of the ID_or_name macro in several places
m_watch.c 3426 (9 years ago) by michael: - Fixed possible WATCH core. Fix provided by Adam
m_motd.c 2966 (10 years ago) by michael: - Really make do_admin() a void function...
m_stats.c 4157 (9 years ago) by michael: - Removed hooking system - Update help/stats 3122 (10 years ago) by michael: - Removed m_users.c
m_oper.c 2948 (10 years ago) by michael: - Revert -r1925. We no longer show how many times an oline has been hit.
m_map.c 2990 (10 years ago) by michael: - Stole recent /map changes from p4. Network map looks much better now.
m_rehash.c 2831 (10 years ago) by michael: - Tweak reloading/rehasing config files server notice 3840 (9 years ago) by michael: - Update macros in m4/
m_whowas.c 2987 (10 years ago) by michael: - Via p4: Make whowas honor disable_remote_commands
m_admin.c 2992 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_admin.c: fixed invalid comment
m_cap.c 3495 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_cap.c: from p4: Ignore trailing spaces from CAP REQ/ACKs to prevent rejecting requests
m_challenge.c 4281 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_challenge.c:m_challenge(): added sanity test on parv[1]
m_restart.c 3487 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_die(), m_restart(): use get_client_name() instead of get_oper_name()
m_dline.c 4048 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_dline.c:mo_dline(): don't require an address to be prepended with *@
m_encap.c 4174 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_encap.c:ms_encap(): removed unused variable
m_eob.c 4060 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_eob.c:server_eob(): fixed faulty assert()
m_etrace.c 2969 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_etrace.c: removed unused header includes
m_gline.c 2862 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_gline.c:ms_gline(): improved readability. Removed extranous IsClient() test.
m_help.c 3027 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_help.c: whitespace changes
m_info.c 3544 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_info.c:info_table[]: cosmetical fixes
m_list.c 2905 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_list.c: style cleanups
m_globops.c 3845 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_locops.c, m_globops.c: removed extra colons
m_locops.c 3845 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_locops.c, m_globops.c: removed extra colons
m_names.c 2909 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_names.c: removed unused header include
m_operwall.c 2823 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_operwall.c: removed me_operwall() encap handler
m_services.c 3108 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_services.c:m_hostserv(): fixed invalid ERR_SERVICESDOWN reply
m_set.c 3384 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_set.c: misc. fixes and cleanups
m_svinfo.c 3173 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_svinfo.c: minimum required argument count is 5. Remove redundant test on parc in ms_svinfo()
m_svsnick.c 3146 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_svsnick.c: backported -r3138 [Do not self collide clients who svsnick to themselves]
m_trace.c 2864 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_trace.c:ms_trace(): properly check return value of hunt_server() against HUNTED_ISME. Just in case the HUNT_* definitions get changed some day
m_who.c 3269 (10 years ago) by michael: - m_who.c:m_who(): admins may now see all channel members via "WHO #channel" regardless of channel mode +s
m_xline.c 4276 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_xline.c, m_resv.c: fixed bug where the mask which is to be banned is checked in both valid_wild_card_simple() and valid_wild_card()
m_resv.c 4276 (9 years ago) by michael: - m_xline.c, m_resv.c: fixed bug where the mask which is to be banned is checked in both valid_wild_card_simple() and valid_wild_card()
m_kline.c 3080 (10 years ago) by michael: - white-space changes / style cleanups
1 directory and 62 files shown