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File Last Change
ax_append_compile_flags.m4 9943 (2 years ago) by michael: - ax_append_compile_flags.m4: update to latest version
ax_append_flag.m4 9947 (2 years ago) by michael: - ax_append_flag.m4: update to latest version
ax_arg_enable_assert.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
ax_arg_enable_efence.m4 8559 (5 years ago) by michael: - Add --enable-efence switch to allow easy linking with the electric fence memory debugger library
ax_arg_enable_warnings.m4 8852 (5 years ago) by michael: - ax_arg_enable_warnings.m4: update
ax_arg_openssl.m4 9513 (3 years ago) by michael: - ax_arg_openssl.m4: fixed broken LibreSSL/OpenSSL checking message
ax_check_compile_flag.m4 9951 (2 years ago) by michael: - ax_check_compile_flag.m4: update to latest version
ax_gcc_stack_protect.m4 8550 (5 years ago) by michael: - Move 'gcc_stack_protect' to 'ax_gcc_stack_protect'
ax_library_net.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
ax_require_defined.m4 9955 (2 years ago) by michael: - ax_require_defined.m4: update to latest version
libtool.m4 9730 (3 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
ltoptions.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
ltsugar.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
ltversion.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
lt~obsolete.m4 6099 (8 years ago) by michael: - Further cleanups to the build system; moved various things we need to separate autoconf macros
0 directories and 15 files shown