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File Last Change
admin.html 1.2 (19 years ago) by bill: - removed proxy detection, this never worked anyway - some cosmetic fixes - updated depend
clones.html (23 years ago) by bill:
linking.html (23 years ago) by bill:
remote.html (23 years ago) by bill:
tcm.html (23 years ago) by bill:
tcm_cfg.html 1.2 (19 years ago) by bill: - removed proxy detection, this never worked anyway - some cosmetic fixes - updated depend
userlist.html 1.2 (22 years ago) by bill: - first step towards fixing proxy checking (currently, wingate detect works, proxy detection does not) - once and for all, replaced stupid byte-per-recv() socket reading with an actual buffer
0 directories and 7 files shown