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Revision: 33
Committed: Sun Oct 2 20:50:00 2005 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by knight
Content type: application/x-msdos-program
File size: 4385 byte(s)
Log Message:
- svn:keywords

File Contents

# Content
1 @echo off
3 rem Don't change it unless you edit IRCD_PREFIX in setup-win32.h too!
6 if exist src\ircd.c goto start
7 if exist ..\src\ircd.c goto start2
8 echo Are you sure you are executing this from ircd-hybrid sources directory?
9 goto end
11 :start2
12 cd ..
14 :start
15 if %1'==msvc' goto build
16 if %1'==bcc' goto build
18 cls
19 echo.
20 echo IRCD-Hybrid Windows build script
21 echo (C) Copyright 2005 by the past and present ircd coders, and others.
22 echo.
23 echo Do you want to edit default ircd settings now? [Type YES or NO]
24 echo @echo off >yes.bat
25 echo edit contrib\setup-win32.h >>yes.bat
26 echo exit >>yes.bat
27 copy yes.bat y.bat >nul
28 echo @exit >no.bat
29 echo @exit >n.bat
30 %COMSPEC% /k prompt Your choice?
31 del yes.bat
32 del no.bat
33 del y.bat
34 del n.bat
36 echo.
37 echo ------------------------------------------------
38 echo.
39 echo Which compiler do you want to use?
40 echo * If you are going to compile with Borland C++ Compiler, type: BCC
41 echo * If you want to use Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, type: MSVC
42 echo @echo off >msvc.bat
43 echo call contrib\win32build msvc >>msvc.bat
44 echo exit >>msvc.bat
45 echo @echo off >bcc.bat
46 echo call contrib\win32build bcc >>bcc.bat
47 echo exit >>bcc.bat
48 %COMSPEC% /k prompt Your choice?
49 del bcc.bat
50 del msvc.bat
51 goto end2
53 :build
54 echo.
55 echo *** Building ircd-hybrid
56 copy contrib\setup-win32.h include\setup.h >nul
57 for %%a in (ircd.exe src\blalloc.c src\dynlink.c src\irc_res.c src\irc_reslib.c src\ircd_signal.c src\rsa.c src\s_bsd_*.c) do if exist %%a if not %%a==src\s_bsd_win32.c del %%a
58 for %%a in (modules\m_challenge.c modules\m_cryptlink.c contrib\libc_vprintf.c contrib\m_mkpasswd.c contrib\example_module.c contrib\ip_cloaking.c) do if exist %%a del %%a
60 if %1'==msvc' goto msvc
62 bcc32 -tW -6 -O -w- -eircd.exe -I"include" -I"lib\pcre" src\*.c modules\*.c modules\core\*.c lib\pcre\*.c contrib\*.c
63 if errorlevel 1 goto error
64 if not exist ircd.exe goto error
65 for %%a in (rehash remotd kill) do bcc32 -tW -6 -O -w- -e%%a.exe -I"include" tools\win32\%%a.c
66 goto built
68 :msvc
70 cl /nologo /O2 /w /Feircd.exe /I"include" /I"lib\pcre" src\*.c modules\*.c modules\core\*.c lib\pcre\*.c contrib\*.c user32.lib wsock32.lib /link /subsystem:windows
71 if errorlevel 1 goto error
72 if not exist ircd.exe goto error
73 for %%a in (rehash remotd kill) do cl /nologo /O2 /w /Fe%%a.exe /I"include" tools\win32\%%a.c user32.lib /link /subsystem:windows
75 :built
76 if errorlevel 1 goto error
77 for %%a in (rehash.exe remotd.exe kill.exe) do if not exist %%a goto error
78 for %%a in (src\*.obj) do del %%a
79 for %%a in (modules\*.obj) do del %%a
80 for %%a in (modules\core\*.obj) do del %%a
81 for %%a in (lib\pcre\*.obj) do del %%a
82 for %%a in (*.obj) do del %%a
84 echo.
85 echo *** Installing ircd-hybrid into %IRCD_PREFIX% ...
86 echo.
87 if not exist %IRCD_PREFIX% md %IRCD_PREFIX%
88 for %%a in (bin etc help help\opers help\users logs messages) do if not exist %IRCD_PREFIX%\%%a md %IRCD_PREFIX%\%%a
89 copy ircd.exe %IRCD_PREFIX%\bin >nul
90 copy rehash.exe %IRCD_PREFIX%\bin >nul
91 copy remotd.exe %IRCD_PREFIX%\bin >nul
92 copy kill.exe %IRCD_PREFIX%\bin >nul
93 for %%a in (etc\*.conf etc\*.conf.quick) do copy %%a %IRCD_PREFIX%\etc >nul
94 for %%a in (cresv.conf dline.conf nresv.conf rkline.conf rxline.conf xline.conf kline.conf) do type nul >>%IRCD_PREFIX%\etc\%%a
95 for %%a in (help\opers\* help\users\*) do copy %%a %IRCD_PREFIX%\%%a >nul
96 for %%a in (messages\*.lang messages\README) do copy %%a %IRCD_PREFIX%\%%a >nul
97 echo *** Installation complete!
98 echo.
99 echo Remember to create the 'ircd.conf' file before actually starting the IRCD.
100 goto end
102 :error
103 for %%a in (ircd.exe rehash.exe remotd.exe kill.exe) do if exist %%a del %%a
104 for %%a in (src\*.obj) do del %%a
105 for %%a in (modules\*.obj) do del %%a
106 for %%a in (modules\core\*.obj) do del %%a
107 for %%a in (lib\pcre\*.obj) do del %%a
108 for %%a in (*.obj) do del %%a
109 echo.
110 echo The compilation has failed. Make sure the %COMPILER% compiler you choose
111 echo is actually installed, and that you haven't accidentally corrupted
112 echo your setup.h file. A common problem is also not having the directory of
113 echo compiler binary in PATH environment variable.
114 if %COMPILER%==MSVC goto end
115 echo.
116 echo Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 users please remember to set up BCC32.CFG
117 echo in your C:\BCC\BIN directory (or wherever you installed it)!
118 echo It should contain two lines like -IC:\BCC\INCLUDE and -LC:\BCC\LIB.
120 :end
121 echo.
122 pause
123 :end2
124 rem $Id$


Name Value
svn:eol-style native
svn:keywords Id Revision