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File (rev) Last Change
8.2.x/ 3615 (9 years ago) by michael: - parse.c:mod_del_cmd(): make sure the command actually exists in the trie before attempting to remove it. We could end up in a corrupted trie otherwise.
8.1.x/ 3616 (9 years ago) by michael: - parse.c:mod_del_cmd(): make sure the command actually exists in the trie before attempting to remove it. We could end up in a corrupted trie otherwise.
8.0.x/ 2065 (10 years ago) by michael: - Bump patchlevel to hybrid-8.0.9
7.3.x/ 1607 (11 years ago) by michael: - Move ircd-hybrid-7.3 to ircd-hybrid/branches/7.3.x
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