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File Last Change
m4/ 8531 (5 years ago) by michael: - s_bsd_epoll.c: use epoll_create1 w/ EPOLL_CLOEXEC
modules/ 8636 (5 years ago) by michael: - m_sjoin.c:remove_ban_list(): minor cleanups
src/ 8645 (5 years ago) by michael: - channel_mode.(c|h): get rid of the specialized chm_ban, chm_except, and chm_invex functions and just have chm_mask instead
libltdl/ 8386 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
include/ 8644 (5 years ago) by michael: - Use a boolean type for chan_mode::only_servers and chan_mode::only_opers
doc/ 8503 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update reference.conf
tools/ 8436 (6 years ago) by michael: - Stylistic changes
help/ 8478 (6 years ago) by michael: - Documentation changes
configure 8531 (5 years ago) by michael: - s_bsd_epoll.c: use epoll_create1 w/ EPOLL_CLOEXEC 5592 (9 years ago) by michael: - libtool 2.4.6 8476 (6 years ago) by michael: - remove -fno-strict-aliasing from cflags 8386 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
missing 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
ylwrap 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
depcomp 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
config.guess 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
config.sub 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
aclocal.m4 8386 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
compile 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
install-sh 8316 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf 8386 (6 years ago) by michael: - autoreconf
NEWS 8502 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update NEWS file
README 8358 (6 years ago) by michael: - Update INSTALL and README
INSTALL 8384 (6 years ago) by michael: - Rip out mempool
COPYING 7667 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed svn properties 7676 (7 years ago) by michael: - Fixed more svn properties as pointed out by jackal
AUTHORS 8517 (6 years ago) by michael: - AUTHORS, version.c: purge a bunch of yada yada yada
.travis.yml 7930 (7 years ago) by michael: - .travis.yml: fix to previous commit
8 directories and 20 files shown